This age calculator calculates your age in years, months, weeks, and hours.
The first question an astrologer will ask you when you sit down with him is, "What is your exact age?" I'm sure you've been to an astrologer at least once in your life; if not, check it out by going to one right now. If you don't know it precisely, the next sentence will read, "Giving an estimation of an age can change in results of your query if you want; however, it will cost you more money to have it calculated for you." Now that your age has been determined, you prefer to give him some extra cash and know the precise results.
Uses for this online age calculator include the ones listed below.
When applying for a competitive exam, certain government exams require applicants' exact ages in order to determine if they are old enough to sit for the exam or not.
Job Interviews - In some job interviews, particularly those for the IAS or State administrative service, a column is designated on the application for you to fill out your exact age as of __/__/__, where you must specify the years, months, days, and minutes. They test your mathematical prowess, and if you own such imaging equipment, it can work miracles in the creation of images.
When creating a matrimonial match, it is also necessary to be aware of your exact age in order to ensure that the right match is made and that the outcome will improve your chances of finding a spouse.
At the time the petition is heard in court, the exact age of the party bringing the lawsuit should be known. You may also use our Age number calculator to determine your exact age on a given date.
There are some important times in life. For instance, when I turn 62 and want to know exactly how old I was when I got married, I may use the age calculator to quickly and accurately determine that age without getting frustrated or wasting time. With the help of our age calculator, you can quickly determine when you started your first work. In general, things that delight you later on and make you marvel at your accomplishments at an early age when others your own age were still suffering.